Kovanica ID is an application of Banka Kovanica d.d. which is used to generate one-time passwords (OTP) required for authentication of Internet banking users, for signing and strong authentication of payment transactions (Challenge-Response, C / R) and authentication of online card transactions made with the Banks cards (3D Secure™).The Bank provide to all its debit and credit card users to purchase more securely via the Internet using the Visa Secure™ service. It is an additional check and authentication of online card transactions with those merchants who participate in the Visa Secure™ program.When purchasing on the Internet, the exchange of classified information (authentication) is performed exclusively between the customer and the Bank in such a way that the merchant does not have access to the information being exchanged. The Visa Secure™ service is free of charge and is enabled for all Bank cards, and is activated through the activation process of the Kovanica ID mobile application or during the first purchase on the Internet.For all details about how the service works and how to activate it, please inform via the link https://www.kovanica.hr/3d-secure or by direct call to one of the Banks branches.ImportantBanka Kovanica pays special attention to the security and data protection of application users.To use the application, it must first be activated by entering the identification and activation key, which you can request at one of the Banks branches. Upon activation, the user is expected to enter a 6-digit PIN, which is known only to the user, and optionally, it is possible to include login via fingerprint (biometrics) if the mobile device allows it. The application checks and does not allow the registration of an insecure PIN. PIN and account information is not stored on your mobile device. After multiple unsuccessful logins, the mobile application is automatically blocked, and unblocking and re-use is possible only with re-verification of the identity of the user of the application by the Bank.Instructions for using the application can be found at the link https://www.kovanica.hr/kovanica-idInternet access is required to use the application.